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Booking & cancellation policy for classes

Booking & cancellation policy for classes

Published: 29th September 2023

Leisure centres have never been more essential for keeping us fit and healthy, having helped many of us to get through the pandemic and the challenges it has brought for us all over the past few years.

In an effort to help people attend more classes and reduce the number of cancellations, we have a set of booking measures.


Quick Links

Please see below for the list of quick links on our new booking measures:


We’re pleased to report that leisure centres are amongst the safest regulated environments – a large part of which is down to our members following our safety measures, which we thank you for.

Group fitness classes, gym sessions and swimming play a large part in the physical and mental health of many of our members, so it is important that we all work together to ensure we give each other as much opportunity as possible to attend classes and swim sessions, at a time when capacity is greatly reduced due to social distancing measures.

As part of our vision, which is to bring people in the community together and make their lives better through improved access to health and wellbeing facilities; we want to be able to make our activities accessible to everyone – but we need your help to do so!

We regularly review your feedback and are aware that, before the second lockdown, many of you were struggling to attend classes due to them getting booked up very quickly. We had increased the class cancellation window to 3 hours, to try and give those on waiting lists a better chance of attending classes, however we realised that further steps needed to be taken.

Our figures show that in the last 12 months:

  • We had 86,641 group fitness bookings
  • 25,149 of those cancelled their class
  • 4,960 failed to attend their class

Please see the list of our new booking measures in detail below.


We have a new ‘two-strike’ rule

We have introduced a new ‘two-strike’ rule for cancelling swim sessions and classes. This means that if you cancel one of these activities within three hours of the session starting, or you fail to attend your booked session, a strike will be added to your account and it will stay on your account for 30 days. If you then get a second strike, you won’t be able to book a session for eight days. Your account will refresh after your 8-day ban.


We have waiting lists

Remember to check your emails or the Active Tameside app if you’re on the waiting list for a session, as they will let you know if you have managed to get onto the desired session. This will now only happen up to one hour before the session start time.

From 60 minutes to 5 minutes before the start of the session, please check our app or website to see if any slots have become available and book as normal.

If you are on a waiting list but can no longer attend the session, please remove yourself from the waiting list so that you don’t get automatically placed onto the session when a space becomes available.


We have a rolling booking system

The rolling booking system means that the earliest you can book an activity as a member will be eight days in advance at the time that the activity is due to start. This is instead of the previous procedure which opened bookings at 9am, eight days before the date of the class or activity. We have taken this step in order to make the booking process fairer for those who are unavailable to book at 9am. Casual members are able to book seven days in advance.


Our policy

If you are unable to attend, cancel your place as soon as possible and more than 3 hours before the class/activity is due to start.

These simple actions will contribute to the sustainability of Active Tameside and our ability to continue providing accessible health and wellbeing facilities and services for all.

Thank you.

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My family experienced the Hyper Bowling last week. My children absolutely loved it and wouldn’t stop talking about it, it was such great fun & good how any age can win. I was impressed by the price and how clean everywhere was…

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